What the fuck is this shit? - Can Swear Words save me?

The purpose of Swear Words.

Early one morning during the one hour drive to my fuckarse job, feeling depressed as shit, which is the standard, and has been for years now, I came to a pretty incredible realization...


The previous night I had been thinking about my purpose in life, which, in my opinion doesn't exist. Then, that morning, I started to think about the things that I used to be interested in and I realized that I just didn't give a fuck about anything anymore. Depressing. My life, or 'existence' as I prefer to refer to it as, was just a giant stinking cesspool of constantly dribbling liquid arse and I hated it. As I dug deep into my psyche to try and unearth any remnants of my passions past, whilst muttering obscenities to myself, I stumbled upon a fascinating discovery.... I still love swear words!

A Blog is born - I Love Swear Words

If swearing up a storm is all I have left in this world, I decided then, that it was now my purpose to share my love of profanity, along with all of the positive and healing impacts it can have for it's user if wielded correctly. Hence the creation of I Love Swear Words. 

On this site you will find informative blog posts and a plethora of pertinent Swear Word goodies to give you a damn good giggle. 

 I dedicate this blog that shares the love of swears with anyone who needs a pick me up from the amusement and comfort that cuss words can bring. 

Enjoy the fuck outa yourself!